Archives par mot-clé : #Starbase

Douche froide pour un décollage attendu

[Boca Chica, September 7, 2023, rke. English below] – Tandis que la fusée Starship, joyau de SpaceX, se prépare pour un test crucial, son support en béton est prêt à être arrosé comme lorsqu’on prend une douche. Mais à l’envers !

Voilà le fameux tabouret de 9 étages ! © rke

Starship, la fusée des étoiles, attend patiemment sur son tabouret la réalisation de son premier test Wet Dress Rehearsal (lire ma précédente News). Initialement prévu ce vendredi 8 septembre 2023 à 7h (heure locale) ou 14h (heure suisse), le lancement est ponctué d’incertitude quant à sa concrétisation.

La police du comté de Cameron a indiqué que la portion de l’autoroute 4 menant à la plage de Boca Chica est fermée de 10h à minuit (heure locale) ce jeudi 7 septembre. Puis, une nouvelle fermeture est prévue le vendredi 8 septembre, de 22h à 1h. La plage en question étant directement en face de la base de lancement, ces fermetures suggèrent que l’essai de Starship devrait se dérouler dans cette période horaire. Cependant, la date exacte du décollage demeure inconnue, même pour Elon Musk. En effet, SpaceX attend l’approbation de la FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) pour donner le feu vert au lancement.

Non, ce ne sont pas ces tuyaux-là ! Ils ont l’air rafistolés, mais ça tient ! © rke

Des tuyaux et des soudures en plus

Rappelons-nous du vol TFT 1 du 20 avril : bien que Starship ait réussi à atteindre l’orbite terrestre, elle a explosé lors de sa rentrée dans l’atmosphère. Depuis cet incident, SpaceX a apporté plusieurs améliorations au vaisseau Starship No 25 : ajout de nouvelles charges mini-explosives pour une séparation en vol optimale, installation de tuyaux supplémentaires pour l’évacuation des gaz et renforcement des soudures à l’arrière du vaisseau. Et concernant le socle ? Bien que légèrement endommagé lors du dernier décollage, le véritable problème résidait en dessous, dans la dalle en béton. Pour y remédier, SpaceX a conçu un système innovant de refroidissement par eau (voir photo), un peu à la manière d’un pommeau de douche inversé.

Un socle haut comme un immeuble de 9 étages

Lors de ma récente visite sur place, ce tabouret m’a semblé plus robuste que jamais. Je n’étais pas convaincu auparavant, mais je suis maintenant rassuré quant à sa capacité à soutenir la fusée. Après tout, s’élevant à 25 mètres de hauteur, ce socle équivaut à un immeuble de 9 étages. Suffisamment solide pour supporter un mastodonte de 5’000 tonnes de poussée au décollage, n’est-ce pas ? Après tout, si une simple chaise de bureau peut soutenir une charge bien supérieure à son propre poids, pourquoi pas ce tabouret spatial ?

Un petit pas pour un grand perchoir

En attendant le feu vert de la FAA, Starship continue de toiser l’horizon depuis son perchoir, prête à écrire le prochain chapitre de notre aventure spatiale. Après tout, chaque grande épopée commence par un petit pas… ou un tabouret robuste !

Une vue un peu plus proche… © rke

A Cold Shower for an Anticipated Liftoff

[Boca Chica, September 7, 2023, rke] – As the Starship rocket, SpaceX’s crown jewel, gears up for a pivotal test, its concrete stand is ready to be sprinkled like taking a shower. But in reverse!

Bottom watering. © SpaceX

Starship, the starry rocket, waits patiently on its stool for the realization of its first Wet Dress Rehearsal. Initially scheduled for Friday, September 8, 2023, at 7 a.m. (local time) or 2 p.m. (Swiss time), the launch is marked with uncertainty about its fruition. The Cameron County police indicated that a section of Highway 4 leading to Boca Chica Beach is closed from 10 a.m. to midnight (local time) on Thursday, September 7. Then, another closure is scheduled for Friday, September 8, from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. With the beach in question directly facing the launch base, these shutdowns suggest that Starship’s test should take place within this timeframe. However, the exact launch date remains unknown, even to Elon Musk. After all, SpaceX is awaiting FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) approval to greenlight the launch.

Pipes and More Welding

Réservoirs… © rke

Recalling the TFT 1 flight on April 20: although Starship managed to reach Earth’s orbit, it exploded upon reentry into the atmosphere. Since this incident, SpaceX has made several enhancements to the Starship No. 25 vessel: the addition of new mini-explosive charges for optimal in-flight separation, the installation of extra pipes for gas venting, and the strengthening of welds on the back of the ship. And the stand? While slightly damaged during the last liftoff, the real issue was underneath, in the concrete slab. To address this, SpaceX devised an innovative water-cooling system (see photo), somewhat resembling an inverted showerhead.

La NASA avec le Space Shuttle avait aussi son système d’arrosage ! NASA’s Space Shuttle also had a sprinkler system! © NASA

A Stand as Tall as a 9-Story Building

On my recent visit to the site, this stool seemed sturdier than ever. I wasn’t convinced before, but I’m now reassured about its capability to support the rocket. After all, rising 82 feet in height, this stand equates to a 9-story building. Solid enough to support a behemoth with 11,023,110 pounds of thrust at liftoff, right? If a mere office chair can bear a load much greater than its own weight, why not this space stool?

A Small Step for a Big Perch

As we await the FAA’s green light, Starship continues to gaze at the horizon from its perch, ready to pen the next chapter of our space adventure. After all, every grand saga begins with a small step… or a sturdy stool!

Non, ça c’est le tout premier tanker d’essai. © rke

Échos européens au fin fond du Texas : revue de presse

[Boca Chica, September 6, 2023, rke. English below]  – Dans les coulisses vertigineuses de Starship à Boca Chica – alors que l’excitation monte pour son lancement imminent – deux flash d’actualité spatiale européenne s’invitent dans mon quotidien texan.

Pendant que je suis affairé autour de Starbase à Boca Chica, j’y fais ma ronde en auto, j’apprends que mon article sur le nouveau chef de l’exploration spatiale humaine européenne, le Romand Daniel Neuenschwander, a paru dans les colonnes du quotidien fribourgeois La Liberté.

Au cœur du sanctuaire de la conquête spatiale, le Kennedy Space Center (KSC) de la NASA à Cap Canaveral, il évoque son parcours avec émotion, ambition et attachement. Et ce, quelques instants après le décollage impeccable de la mission Crew-7 qui a eu lieu le 26 août dernier à 9h27, heure suisse. Cette mission a mis en vedette Andreas Mogensen, le premier pilote européen — mais pas le premier astronaute européen — à bord d’une capsule Dragon. Un entretien qui a également permis de plonger dans les défis et les responsabilités liés à son nouveau poste. Mon interview: cliquez sur l’image

Sur les ondes de l’Arc jurassien… suisse

Par ailleurs, j’avais oublié de vous le signaler dans une précédente News, un son a été diffusé dans la radio suprarégionale RJB-RTN-RFJ aussi à propos de Daniel Neuenschwander. – Cliquez sur l’image

Dans l’expectative

Ça bouge au sud du Texas. On attend le décollage de cette Starship de 120 m de haut, suspendu à la décision de la FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), pour un lancement espéré ce vendredi 8 septembre dans la journée. À suivre, je me fais une petite pause…

European Whispers Deep in the Heart of Texas: Press Round-Up

[Boca Chica, September 6, 2023, rke]  – Down here behind the scenes of the mighty Starship in Boca Chica – with folks buzzin’ about its upcomin’ launch – got me some European space news breakin’ into my Lone Star state day.

Daniel Neuenschwander: Between Space Emotions, European Ambitions, and Swiss Roots

The new head of European human space exploration, Fribourg native Daniel Neuenschwander, witnessed, a week ago in Florida, the launch of « his » pilot, the Dane Andreas Mogensen. An exclusive post-launch interview.

At the heart of the sanctuary of space conquest, NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Cape Canaveral, Daniel Neuenschwander reflects on his journey with emotion, ambition, and attachment. This, moments after the flawless lift-off of Crew-7 mission that took place on August 26th at 3:27 AM ET. This mission featured Andreas Mogensen, the first European pilot — but not the first European astronaut — aboard a Dragon capsule. A discussion that also delved into the challenges and responsibilities associated with his new position.

Daniel Neuenschwander, what did the launch of the Crew-7 mission mean to you in terms of emotions and responsibilities?

DN: The launch was an emotionally charged moment for me, not just because of the technical stakes, but also the human element. Having overseen nearly 60 unmanned launches, having a colleague onboard, Andreas Mogensen, brought a level of responsibility and seriousness I’d never felt before. The tension was palpable, and every second counted, especially in emergency situations we always hope to avoid.

What factors were most on your mind during this launch?

Two aspects especially caught my attention. First, having a colleague right atop the rocket added an emotional element and a very tangible responsibility. Next, I was extremely impressed by SpaceX’s technology, particularly the landing of the rocket’s first stage. The technological prowess on display left me speechless, especially compared to other attempts I’ve seen.

Where did you watch the launch from?

I had the privilege of viewing the launch from NASA’s observation platform, where all the VIPs were gathered. Not only could I watch the launch live, but I also had an emergency room available to handle any unforeseen situations.

What’s your take on the Falcon 9 rocket?

SpaceX’s Falcon 9 is one of the most reliable rockets globally. SpaceX has demonstrated end-to-end mastery in launch technologies, securing them a dominant position in the global launch market.

How has your new role affected your daily life?

My current role is heavily focused on the strategy and long-term development of European space programs. This includes proposing strategies to member states and getting their backing for future decisions regarding various space initiatives.

What are your aspirations for the future of space technology in Europe?

To accelerate technological development in Europe to compete with companies like SpaceX. It’s vital for Europe to advance quickly, not just in terms of cargo launchers but also regarding manned flights.

What are the benefits for Switzerland in participating in these space projects?

Switzerland can benefit on multiple levels. First, in terms of knowledge, especially in fields like biotechnology, materials, and medicine. Second, in terms of technology, with potential applications like 3D printing in microgravity. This research is crucial to laying the scientific groundwork necessary for our technological advancement. Studies on microgravity’s effects on the musculoskeletal and neurological systems could lead to more effective treatments for diseases like osteoporosis or neurological disorders on Earth.

Do you get to go back to Switzerland often?

For family or professional reasons, perhaps? Indeed, I return to Switzerland every year, if only to ski and spend time with my extended family. I believe it’s vital to maintain strong ties with one’s home country.

Have you had the opportunity to work on space projects in Switzerland in previous roles? Absolutely. Before my current position, I led the Swiss delegation in Leysin. In that capacity, I had the chance to collaborate with numerous academic institutions, including the Polytechnic School and various universities.

What about your recent collaboration with the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (EPFZ)?

Of course. Last June, I was at EPFZ working on projects related to pharmaceutical applications. This shows there’s a very tangible industrial interest in Switzerland for this field.

Do you anticipate collaborations or projects in Switzerland in your current role? Currently, I don’t have a specific space project ongoing in Switzerland. However, I’m convinced that new opportunities will emerge in the future. And, of course, I’m always thrilled at the prospect of returning to Switzerland, be it to Biel or elsewhere.

For Daniel Neuenschwander, the sky isn’t the limit; it’s rather a new frontier for innovation and discovery.

Interviewed by Roland J. Keller Cape Canaveral (Florida)

Over on the Swiss Jura Arc airwaves…

By the by, forgot to give y’all the heads up in my last Newsflash – they aired somethin’ on that big regional station RJB-RTN-RFJ ’bout Daniel Neuenschwander.

Holdin’ our horses Things are stirrin’ down south in Texas. All eyes are on that towering 120m Starship, waitin’ on the word from the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) to see if she’ll launch come this Friday, September 8. Stay tuned, I’m takin’ a quick breather…